Organic Grape Cosmetics

dieNikolai - Bio-Traubenkosmetik aus der Wachau

Vine: The fountain of youth

Vine gives us many different ingredients for our precious, organic cosmetics. Especially the grape seed, with its high proportion of antioxidants delivers the grape seed oil but also grape seed extract for powerful anti-aging products. Additionally I make use of the grape skin, wine and also the fascinating “Tears of grapes”, which have been used by Hildegard von Bingen centuries ago

My Products

All products are based on the precious grapeseed oil and are formulated using traditional, regional ingredients without the use of paraffins or silicones. Additionally, I deliberately abstain from the use of common raw materials from far away places, such as shea butter and palmoil. Instead I focus on traditional approaches using local ingredients such as cream or butter oil. Depending on your skin type, you can combine my products to specifically complement your needs.

dieNikolai - Bio-Traubenkosmetik aus der Wachau
dieNikolai - Bio-Traubenkosmetik aus der Wachau

My Team

Back in 2015 Martin Saahs and Günter Stöffelbauer have decided to make use of the precious Demeter-certified raw materials from Nikolaihof Wachau, which are not used in the wine-making process. Supported by a committed and warm-hearted team they develop my products and help you with every question you might have.

FAQ – Questions and Answers

If you need help to find you personal skin care routine or if you do have any questions concerning ingredients, shipping or Cemeter-cosmetics my team is happy to help you. Just shoot me an e-mail or call!

FAQ - dieNikolai